LED Lighting Vision System Peripheral Equipment CA-D Series

Bar Lights The addition of high-intensity models to KEYENCE's lineup of bar lights

Bar light illumination techniques

Camera/light arrangement

Bar lights can be used to apply a strip of light along a target edge. Depending on the alignment of the light and the camera, the bar light can be used to enhance or reduce specular reflection from a target. For highlighting a feature with specular reflection (such as the tip of a pin), the direct reflection of light has to come back into the camera. For removing specular reflection (sometimes referred to as hotspots), the direct line of reflection needs to be away from the camera.

High-intensity model equipped with micro lenses added to lineup

A high-intensity model equipped with micro lenses (CA-DBxW) has been added to the lineup. Compared to the white type, this model achieves a light intensity that is approximately four times that of the conventional model. * This model can provide high-intensity lighting over a wide area. Also, no screws are needed to fix the diffusion plate (included) of the high-intensity model in place, which eliminates concerns regarding the screws falling out due to vibrations.

  • *Typical value with an LWD of 50 mm

Newly developed micro lenses


Plastic parts on a conveyor

With standard lighting

The edges of the plastic part are unclear.

With bar lights

The edges have high contrast and are clearly defined.

Surface processing detection

With standard lighting

It was possible to understand the surface processing differences, but the individuality of the workpieces led to colour variations, which made it difficult to perform stable distinctions.

With bar lights

Specularly reflecting the bar light makes the differences in lustre clear, which enables distinctions that ignore the colour variations.